We already integrate with many tools to reduce the bulk of time you likely spend on cleaning your data and preparing it for analytics. We want to continue to make ETL easy no matter what tools and platforms you use so we are constantly integrating with all the latest and greatest.

The PagerDuty incident resolution platform makes sure your incidents are resolved quickly and efficiently by connecting to your monitoring systems to get critical incidents to on-call responders and proactively manage your uptime.

How does Integrate.io integrate with PagerDuty?

You can integrate PagerDuty's incident management system with Integrate.io's webhook notifications to receive real-time alerts on your Integrate.io account activity.

The integration is quick and easy using Integrate.io's PagerDuty hooks.

How to setup PagerDuty with Integrate.io?

You can integrate PagerDuty's incident management system with Integrate.io's webhook notifications to receive real-time alerts on your Integrate.io account activity.

Integration is simple:

To create an Integrate.io service in your PagerDuty account:

  1. In your account, click Configuration, then click Services. thumbnail image
  2. Click New Service. thumbnail image
  3. Under General Settings, in the Name text box, enter a name for the service. thumbnail image
  4. Under Integration Type, start typing Integrate.io until it appears in the list, then select it. thumbnail image
  5. Configure the Incident Settings as required. thumbnail image
  6. Click Add Service. thumbnail image

That's it. Now you can get real-time notifications into your PagerDuty account.

Learn more about our other integrations like Amazon Redshift, MongoDB, Hubspot, Google Analytics and tons more.

Have a request for additional integrations? Email us at support@integrate.io